ADR/Preferred Business Properties presently manages 77 income (retail, office, industrial and residential) properties for more than 65 different owners and encompassing approximately 1,166,318 square feet of office, commercial and industrial property under management. Of this management, approximately two-thirds (2/3) has been under management for over ten (10) years.
Commercial Brokerage:
ADR/Preferred Business Properties, as a licensed real estate broker and a member firm of the American Industrial Real Estate Association, has represented Landlords, Tenants, Buyers and Sellers in their respective real estate transactions. ADR/Preferred Business Properties has leased a wide range of commercial/industrial space ranging in size from 700 square feet to well over 20,000 square feet dealing with both small local business’ as well as multi-national credit tenants.
Residential Property:
ADR/Preferred Business Properties presently manages more than 700 residential units. In addition, ADR oversees 22 mobile home park properties totaling over 5,200 spaces, and leads mobile home park acquisition for private investment groups.
Historical Activity:
Industrial Development:
ADR President Douglas Rickard has personally developed seven industrial buildings, both multi-tenant and single user, ranging in size from 15,000 square feet to 74,000 square feet, totaling over 170,000 square feet. In addition, ADR principals have developed retail and office properties totaling more than 775,000 square feet.
Construction Management:
ADR/Preferred Business Properties has been the responsible party in overseeing the reconstruction of properties damaged by fire and earthquake or due to mandated governmental retrofits and converting unusable space to leasable space. ADR has also overseen the seismic retrofitting of over 150,000 square feet of industrial space.